run4salmon 2022

Please stay tuned for  updates about the Run4Salmon 2022.



To ensure the safety of our communities, we are inviting the public to join us virtually again in this year’s prayer journey.

While the Winnemem Wintu Tribe will continue this journey privately, the tribe is inviting the public to join them in the prayer safely through participation in their online events and sharing their own bike, walk, or run for the salmon on social media

For more details, please read our  Run4Salmon 2021 Press Release


  • Identify & pray at your own local waterways
  • Follow & Engage in Run4Salmon Social Media
  • Participate in and Share the Educational Mini-Lessons and Curriculum
  • Share your own Bike, Walk, or Run for the Salmon on Social Media

We are so grateful for your support and we look forward to seeing you at Run4Salmon in the future.

run4salmon 2020

In this year of COVID awareness, Run4Salmon organizers will be laying down prayers at various points along the waterway, and we invite you to also lay down prayers from where you are sheltering in place and to participate in the various Run4Salmon events that are happening online.

April 22, 2020: Run4Salmon COVID-19 Statement (click to read PDF)

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Between July 17-August 2nd:
    • Live Feeds from Events on the journey. Watch Facebook and Instagram for notifications
    • Ongoing Prayers: Go to your local waterway and lay down prayers near where you are sheltering in place.
    • Add to the journey from your local area
    • Contribute to completing the 300 miles of collective prayers by walking, biking, running, canoeing, or horseback riding in your community, if possible along local waterways.
  • July 24: Film Screening & Conversation— The short film, One Word: Sawalmem will be presented online followed by a conversation with co-director Pom Tuiimyali and Chief Caleen Sisk.
  • July 25: Educational Event— Presentation of Run4Salmon online curriculum, featuring activities for kids and songs for the salmon and the waters.
  • July 27: Live feed— Prayer by the water in Machoopda territory along the Sacramento River.
  • July 29 & 30:— Dancing Salmon Home documentary film and Standing on Sacred Ground documentary film will both be available to watch online for free
  • July 31: Wild Chinook Salmon Return panel discussion event— Join Chief Caleen Sisk and others for a report on the efforts to bring the salmon home from New Zealand, and the federally supercharged push to raise Shasta Dam, and complete other salmon-killing plans.
  • August 1 & 2: Live Feeds— Completion Prayers by the Water in Ohlone territory

run4salmon 2016-2020

Please check our social media found at the bottom of this page to find out more about our 2016-2020 journeys.